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Lexile Growth Planner

What is the Lexile growth planner?

The Lexile® Growth Planner uses Lexile measures to display recorded and projected growth in reading abilities. To begin, click on the Add/Edit Measure button to enter your Lexile measures from statewide annual assessments.


Reading is fundamental to your success in school and lays the foundation for learning. Consider the following activities to encourage and promote reading growth:
Explore Find a Book, our most popular tool, where readers can find books by interest, type, or even one of our Lexile Codes developed to help find unique styles of books. Learn about the reading demands needed to enter a career. Demands can be very different depending on each career by searching our Lexile Career Database to see if you are on track to enter a career of your choice. Explore the Resource Center for resources you can find on the web, save to a list, or download, such as one of our WordLists which can be used to increase general vocabulary or academic language.

Find a Book

Use Find a Book to find books for independent reading that match the reader's interests and ability.
Find a Book

Lexile Career Database

Identify the reading demands needed for a desired career and use it to inform goal setting.

Find Careers

Resource Center

Explore curated resources to boost your reading skills. Elevate your understanding in a concise and focused space!
Explore Resources


In the graph shown, the specific Estimated Growth Path displayed is the curve lying closest to the student measures entered. The Growth Planner selects an Estimated Growth Path based on the growth of students in the population who perform similarly to this student. After the Lexile measures are entered, the Growth Planner analyzes the data and develops a specific Estimated Growth Path based on the growth of that specific student.

Growth Planner results for individual students are based solely on reading achievement data (student Lexile reader measures). Additional factors (e.g., motivation, high school courses taken, performance in high school, etc.) will certainly impact college and career readiness as well. Growth Planner projections are estimates and do not guarantee students will perform as forecasted.

Pathway for Reading Readiness The Pathway for Reading Readiness describes the text complexity of typical materials that students should encounter to be on-track for college and career after 12th grade.

Lexile Measure A Lexile measure represents both the complexity of a text, such as a book or article, and an individual’s reading ability. The Lexile scale ranges from below 0L for beginning readers and beginning reader materials to above 2000L for advanced readers and materials. Knowing the Lexile measures of both a reader and a text helps to predict how the text matches the reader’s ability — whether it may be too easy, too difficult or just right.

Estimated Growth Path This Estimated Growth Path represents how the student will likely grow given his/her Lexile measure(s).

Recommended Growth Path This Recommended Growth Path represents how the student should grow and what the student should be able to read to be on track for college and careers after Grade 12 given his/her Lexile measure(s).

University Readiness Range The University Readiness Range describes the reading demand of typical materials that a student will be expected to read during the first two years of enrollment at a 4-year university.

Community College Readiness Range The Community College Readiness Range describes the reading demand of typical materials that a student will be expected to read while enrolled in a community college program.

Workplace Readiness Range The Workplace Readiness Range describes the reading demand of typical materials that an individual will be expected to read just prior to entering a career and just after entering a career.
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